You and your family will feel welcome at the Conley Tree Farm. Our helpful staff will do all they can to assist you in the process of cutting and transporting the perfect tree.
Most people don't notice the steady uphill climb while driving up Meaderboro road to the farm. The fields really are over 700' above sea level plus they are prone to some breezy conditions. It is very common to be 10 degrees cooler at the farm than it is in downtown Rochester.

The pavement driveway will lead you to a parking area. Once parked, our staff will have a couple of questions. Tree size, species, baled, trunk drilled, etc. are a few of the questions that will help us point you in the right direction.
You are welcome to bring your own saw or we have them for you to use as well. Hand saws only please.
We may have some blocks of trees roped off as these are not ready yet and will be for future years. Some people will carry or drag their tree back the parking area or we will have two trailers circulating the farm that can haul your tree back for you. Please note that the time it takes to get the tree back can vary due to amount of people in the fields.
We have a tree shaker so we can shake any loose needles or debris free from your tree if you choose. We also have a baling machine that can be used for your tree which makes transportation and entry through doorways much easier. Tree drilling is available for those that use our super easy tree stands.
We have fresh wreaths made from trees grown at our farm. Trees, wreaths, tree stands and balsam soap will be located in or around the red shed or at the white trailer.
We can provide baling twine to tie your tree down. Our staff is available to help load but it is the sole responsibility of the driver to ensure that the tree is safely secured for the trip home.